Sunday, October 19, 2008

Entry #6: Beer culture in Japan

How does mass media influences you?

In this survey,, the aim was selected to find out if beer TVC hold influences on the beer drinkers. Gathering results from 15,367 members of the MyVoice internet community, it is found that beer advertisements influence the desire to drink and the type of beer brand preferred. Apart from that, the desire to drink a particular (favourite) brand of beer is also seem to be reinforced, especially after watching their favourite beer TVC.

Beer is said to be introduced in Japan since the early Meiji period from Germany. Since then, beer has been the most popular alcoholic drink in Japan. Japanese-style commercial brewing has also been exported to much of southeast Asia and factories spread throughout the world.
From beers in vending machines to seasonal beers, this culture of beer-drinking is prevalent throughout the country. In fact, Japan ranks 32th in the world for beer consumption per capita as cited here
Personally, I feel that the media play a significant role in reinforcing this drinking trend in Japan.
Beer advertisements are common to Japanese, which can be found in huge posters like this below.

I do believe the media affects how we live and experience the world. Through various platforms, messages are transmitted everywhere.

To sum up, preference for beer stems from Japanese historical culture from the Meiji period. But without efforts from the media and breweries, people may have do away with the drink and turn to other available options over such a long period of time.

Thus, beer advertising do have an impact in guiding masses' choice of alcoholic drink. Be it a business meeting, gathering at the pub and such...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The beer culture in Japan is quite obvious, especially for those who like to watch Japanese drama. There's alot of 'izakaya'in Japan, small restaurant which serve food and beer. As said in the post, advertisement may be the main factors of determining the desire to drink a particular type or brand of beer, but it may not be the factors 'to reinforcing the drinking trend in Japan'.

In my point of view, the high standard of living in Japan is the main factors since it means Japanese are prone to stressful life and perhaps drinking beer is one of the convenient way to relieve stress.